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Samsara - Sharks, Yellow Fin Tuna, and Clear Water (Oh, for a dinghy motor that works!)

Feb 6

Today we went to the beach at Isla Bayoneta to release the hermit crabs that Sam had kept for 2 days and to paddle through the shallow area between two islands. During the poling we saw 2 sharks, and we got to see where they hid beneath the large rocks. We also saw a large number of fish, some parrot and some large fish we couldn't identify.

While motoring on to the next island I mentioned to Lee that I didn't want to kill any more MahiMahi - they are such beautiful fish I feel bad killing them. That reminded Lee that he wanted to put the line out and within 1/2 hour we caught a large yellow fin tuna -they aren't as pretty as MahiMahi but it's still hard to kill any fish.

We stopped at an island just south of Contadora and enjoyed really clear water - easily 10 feet of clear water - hard to believe that 6 miles makes such a difference! We didn't see the fish that we saw at the last island but it was clear and warm, so lovely swimming. If only our dinghy motor worked - we were carried by the current very quickly and I was rowing while Lee tried to start the motor but we weren't having any luck. A motor yacht nearby sent the tender out to help us and they towed us to our boat. We have a new motor for the dinghy but so far it's been a pain in the..... sometimes it starts after a few pulls and sometimes after 20 pulls and this afternoon it didn't start at all - frustrating to say the least!

But we had grilled tuna steaks, and a pitcher of sangria that I made this morning, so all is well. Hopefully we can eventually get the darn motor to start when we pull the cord!

Good night,

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