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Ensemble - Day 31 - Contadora, Las Perlas Islands Panama

Day 31 - Contadora, Las Perlas Islands Panama

Greetings from yacht Ensemble.

After a brief motor-sail yesterday we reached Contadora, about 30nm from Panama City.  

It is the first island we’ve seen in ages with decent sand – and the World ARC captain’s briefing was held at a small beachside resort.  

The next leg to Galapagos Islands starts tomorrow at lunch-time and is about 850nm.  Winds are expected to be very light – but at least there will be a favorable current – and we all have plenty of fuel just in case!

We went for a nice swim this morning and it was very refreshing.  We used the opportunity to give the hull a quick wipe-down and clear the blocked log wheel.  We aim to have a relaxing day before the next big leg.

Tonight is the awards dinner for the first leg – so should be fun.

Dave & Magali


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