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Ensemble - Day 32: We're off across the Pacific!

Day 32: We're off across the Pacific!

Greetings from yacht Ensemble!

Today we leave on Leg 2 of the World ARC, from Contadora Las Perlas to Baquerizo Moreno, Galapagos.  It is about 850nm – and should take us about 6 days.  

Last night we went to the Leg 1 prize giving – and the locals certainly put on a good feed and a great show, complete with fireworks, fire dancing and dancing turtles!

The forecast is for decent winds the first couple of days – then nothing much – so we’re anticipating a bit of motoring.  Most boats seem to be planning to sail south – staying reasonably far off Columbia – and then hang a right when the trades kick in.  Good news is that the fish are supposed to be biting –  we had a flying fish on the deck this morning - and we have now cleared enough space in the fridge for some fresh fish!

Because of the big ‘race’ start Magali is all dressed up and color coordinated with the ‘finger shoes’ and new dress! IMG_3977

We will keep you posted on the blogs – and you can track us on the ‘yellow brick’ on the world cruising club web site.


Dave & Magali

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