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Ensemble - Day 32 (Feb 10)

Greetings from yacht Ensemble!

We had an easy morning doing final preparation for the Galapagos leg - and last minute emails.

We were a little nervous that the anchor might have fouled on the rocks - but there were no problems.

The start of the race was crawling with press - and they came out in a boat and seemed particularly interested in us (or Magali in her new pink dress and matching pink 'finger' shoes.)

The start itself was spectacular and nerve racking. We fortunately had a clean start - just using the jib and the main - where as some of the more adventurous had spinakers flying and were jostling for starting positions 10Feb2012 057

The wind is predicted to be good for a couple of days and then drop to nothing. We decided the best plan was to sail to the wind and work our way south to take advantage of the current and then work our way to the rhum line.

We decided not to risk the parasailor - (there is a slight tear on it) - so used the genaker and main. We made good speed - with a helpful current and following seas. We had a bit of cross swell when we changed course towards the rhum line - but otherwise uneventful night.

We saw a large pod of dolphins at sunset - the first we've seen in a while - and Magali saw a whale. Unfortunately - they must have scared away the fish - so no sushi tonight! We made due with one of Magali's prawn and caviar pastas (life's tough)!


Dave & Magali

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