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BRIZO - Daily Log 10 Feb 2012

We are finally in-synch with the rest of the fleet: we started on time and participated in this morning's radio net! We had an absolutely beautiful sail last night: clear, starry sky until the nearly full moon rose, wind around 15-20 kts and sailing directly to our destination at 9 knots. We had a wonderful dinner of sashimi (yes, we landed our first dorado/mahi-mahi/dolphin!) and steak. We had a full watch schedule now that our sometimes-missing crew member has discovered the scapalomine patch.

Yesterday's big excitement was catching our first real fish. It was probably about 12 lbs and tasted great. Audrey landed the fish and was very, very excited about it but still wouldn't try a bite because of her mysterious dislike for any seafood. We bought several new lures in Panama, the first we tried was certainly a winner and we will try another today.

The weather forecast still is calling for very light conditions starting today so we are anticipating quite a lot of motoring. We may arrive in the Galapagos as early as tuesday afternoon, more likely wednesday morning. The girls have been doing a good job with their schoolwork and we believe they are currently caught-up. They emailed all of their reports on the Panama Canal and Panama City to their teachers yesterday before leaving and we hope the reports are enjoyed by everyone back at school.

All on-board systems continue to operate smoothly, we hope to make progress on the remaining list of projects while underway...

Brizo Crew

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