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Ensemble - Day 33 (Feb 11) - No wind - no fish - chicken for dinner?

Greetings from yacht Ensemble.

We had a good day's sailing yesterday - but now we are in the 'duldrums' - no wind - flat seas - where the sea meets the sky.

The good news is that it is very calm so an easy ride.

On the fishing front we lost two lures yesterday - with the cheaky Mahi Mahi jumping out of the water showing off. Fish 2 - Ensemble 0.

Fortunately - the bird life was not so astute. The photo shows Magali taking a cat like stance about to pounce on the unsuspecting sea bird - Feb112012 011. Unfortunately that one got away as well. Birds 1- Ensemble 0 (probably tasted like fish anyway).

The only other excitement this morning was a vessel "Didmon" - a tanker carrying 'dangerous goods' - and the only one we had seen for 12 hours - coincidentaly on a collison course - what are the odds? We did the prudent thing (even though we had right of way) and stopped to let him pass. Having done so - 30 minutes later he turns around and comes back towards us (maybe he'd dumped his cargo - or was messing with us?). After a few loops he resumed his South Easterly course. May pull the rods out for a few hours anyway...


Dave & Magali

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