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Samsara - It's mirror smooth out there now....

Feb 11

As expected the wind has died. We sailed the first and second day (both under spinnaker) but by 5pm on the 10th the wind died out. Today we swam in the ocean for a while and sailed for a few hours (rather slowly) but now at 5pm it's as smooth as glass out there. I'm going to put lasagna in the oven and pick out a new novel to read. I've brought sooooo many books on the trip and have only read a few so far. The trip to St. Lucia and then to San Blas were so rough there wasn't much opportunity to read - but this leg looks like it's going to allow me to enjoy a few novels.

We did a little school work today, Sam did a bunch yesterday, I'm going to make dinner and probably a cake, and I expect it will be a calm night.

Off to pick out the reading material for the evening,

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