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Aniara II - Aniara, May 20

20 May

Five a clock in the morning heading eastwards in 7,5 knots. Absolutely nothing around you except the big blue sea and the sky. The sun start to rise just in front of you and you have Jussi Björling in your earphones. Try for a while to imagine this feeling and I am sure you understand why we do this and why we are out here.

We are still the best friends with the God of the Winds. There has been a wind change and we have it more from SW which means that we can have a butterfly setting of our sails. Last evening we had a whole gang of dolphins swimming and playing around Aniara. It was fun for all of us, but most for George who hasn´t been that close to this animal before. Yesterday we had our last meal of prepared food, and we now have to rely more and more to our fishing luck, otherwise we will have to live on sausage, bacon, egg, soup and noodles. Our fruit and vegetables are still OK, at least for a couple of more days. We had a big bite from a fish a short moment ago, but we lost it together with the tackle and some line. But soon we will get a big one onboard. Yesterday we set a new record on Aniara (AGAIN!). In 24 hours we sailed 179,3 NM which we of course celebrated with Coca Cola, cigarettes and cigars (?). Also today we will reach above 170 NM, even though not reaching yesterdays record.

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