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Purrr-fect - Leg Two - Days 4 and 5 - Repairs at sea and Sprouts

Yesterday Captain Dave resolved to repair some sail issues which had developed over the first days of this leg. The "lazy jack" stack pack system line had frayed at mid-mast and was flapping wildly despite our efforts to tame it. In addition the first reef line had frayed at the gooseneck. Also the second reef lines were run incorrectly and were difficult to use. So Captain Dave went up in the bosun's chair to mid-mast height, with the hearty cranking of Jim and assistance from Linda. Took more than an hour with the sails all down to fix everything, but it was a great accomplishment.
Today, the alfalfa sprouts which Linda started growing from seeds two days have really sprouted and we are nurturing them along and looking forward to some fresh grown greens on our sandwiches.

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