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Samsara - a cave, paella and a goat

June 20

We're enjoying our time in Tonga - the weather wasn't so good for about 2 days but now it's beautiful - we're almost 19 degrees south of the equator and it's cooler. Lee is in heaven - he can actually sleep at night. The water is about 79 degrees - it feels cool compared to the 82 degree water we've had for the last few months.

Yesterday was a full day. We went to Mariner's cave, it's a large cave and it's a bit tricky to enter. You have to dive down about 6 feet and swim about 12 feet forward to end up in the cave. A bunch of people from At Last, Zoe, Southern Cross and Lee and I all entered the cave. I wouldn't let the kids try it - too dangerous in my opinion for them. Lee and I were among the last to enter so we could see the feet of a few of the people in the cave, otherwise I'm not sure we would have made the leap to try to swim in. You can't tell when you are swimming in that it opens up.

Then last night we went to a paella restaurant. It's the only thing on a small island, and they only serve paella - you have to reserve ahead - it was the crews from several boats (those listed above and Wind Dancer). We were the only people there. The goat - Chiquita - roams around the restaurant playing with the patrons(along with a dog). Sam and Sarah loved the goat. They had a ball playing with her. After dinner the owner plays music and many people danced. It was a very enjoyable evening.

Today we went to another anchorage to enjoy the beach and hopefully do some snorkeling in the morning. We saw a sea snake - they are poisonous so we kept our distance. Lee also saw a school of cuttlefish.

So we've finished dinner and will have a quiet evening and plan on snorkeling at high tide in the morning.

Good night,

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