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Samsara - off to Fiji

June 23

We're leaving Tonga today and heading off to Fiji. Should be a 3-4 day passage. We've enjoyed our time here in Tonga and if the weather was better would try to do a last bit of snorkeling, however it's windy and cloudy so we'll get going. 

Unfortunately the two sailors I mentioned in the earlier blog (their boat hit the reef of an island west of here) were not found. They called off the search. I can only imagine how hard it is for their families.

Finishing the last preparations for the journey. Went to the market yesterday and got eggs, bananas, pineapple, cucumbers and tomatoes. Lee has to send a form to Fiji that they require before we check in so he's heading into the cafe for a last bit of internet work, then it's stow the dingy and off we'll go.


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