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Persephone of London - SUNDAY - WEDNESDAY

After a good nights rest we set off to explore La Coruna.   This is a peculiar city, on one hand it is very picturesque as you enter the harbour with its rolling hills in the distance but the other picture is reminiscent of a Soviet Concrete Jungle built in the 70's.   The older part of town is a mixture of narrow streets lined with numerous restaurants with octopus in plentiful supply!   In the centre of town is a large square lined with more upmarket restaurants and a magnificent 18th(?) century building.  It reminded us of the old part of Toulouse.    On Monday Mike and Alex returned to the UK and France (Mike will be rejoining us in November down in Gran Caneria).    Meanwhile, the weather was beginning to change and all forecasts were advising that a low pressure was on it's way bringing rain and BIG WIND.  Not wanting to venture back out into Biscay in a 30 knot breeze on the nose we opted to stay another day.  This then enabled Nigel to "pull the boat apart" to find the source of an annoying knock in the steering.  A few hours later - we think he has fixed it but wont know for sure until we set sail.  This was great except having completed the job he was missing a spanner (sure there is an opening for a joke there).  There was only one place it could be, yes ….. behind the linnings to the bulkhead. So, remaining remarkable calm he took down the headlining and there it was!   Karen also appreciated the extra day off as is currently nursing a gippy knee, not sure what causes it be thank goodness for Ibuprofen!  Wednesday morning we have woken to blue skies and sunshine, not seen that for a couple of days and we were beginning to wonder if we had brought out the UK summer with us  :-(      So the plan is to move south  down the coast a further 30 miles or so and visit a few Spanish Rias  (Lochs).   Probably no wi-fi for a few days now but will be back on line as soon as we are able, hope all is well back in the UK. 
Love K & N x

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