Robert has crossed the north Atlantic once and want to be now on the ARC 2012, which is his first time.
At the moment, he counting the days and see forward to his arrival in Las Palmas on the 17th November 2012. before he booked we had email contact together, and I saw between the written lines, that he must
enjoy our boat as crew member. He is a funny person and I know that he know a lot of stories to tell us, when we heading to St. Lucia.
See his mustache! He would be the right person for our St Nicholas day on the 6th of December!

Robert Steffen, Crew, age 55, Certificate of competency as Master of Sport and Pleasure Yachts at sea
Nautical Miles: Approx. 4’000 NM (Caribbean, Atlantic, Mediterranean Sea, Baltic Sea)
Hobbies: sailing, skiing, ride motorcycles, Handcrafts and work in wood
Profession: MoveIn Manager
Philosophy: “take opportunities whenever possible and live the life”
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