Hi folks,
We are still cruising along with 21-25 knots from the north east, goosewinging in a southwesterly direction. We made a day distance of just over 150 miles and we were happy to have a bit less wind and waves than the first day. Cedric caught two dolphin fish (mahi mahi) of which we ate one yesterday evening. We enjoyed a full moon while sailing through the night and could see quite a bit.Yesterday our generator broke down but happily we were able to fix the problem today that cause the overheating of our little power generator. The waves are more constant now and we are getting used to the big movements of the boat. It's sometimes a challenge to get something done inside. Michielv Eijck is giving us our daily weather update and we decided to head towards 20 N and 30 W before turning west to St Lucia.
Greetings from all of us here on the Atlantic!
Ostrea crew