Karma Daze - Day 1
Our first night at sea – akin to being in a washing machine! We were the last to leave the marina, well with 3000 miles to go what is the rush? As we crossed the start line we could see 200 odd sails vanishing into the distance. By evening we could see very few other boats around us. The weather forecast and our own assessment told us we would have strong NE winds and swell which we certainly did. We decided to go South – a few other yachts were also heading in that direction. We had thought we could get decreasing wind and less swell but that certainly wasn’t the case. We’ve spent the night with a force 7 and 2-3m swell. We managed to have some dinner, chicken casserole and rice, with only a small amount ending up on the floor. The very rolly conditions have been difficult for Penny as she fell on the pontoon 3 weeks ago and has a hairline fracture of the humerus in her left arm and has to keep it in a sling for another week, But it does mean she is excused night watches. This morning we have blue skies, 20 –25 knots of NE wind, but still a rolly sea. We have gybed and are now heading in a more westerly direction, so let’s see what day 2 brings...