Surfing Petrel - Half way there!
The night before last, we were treated to an entire night of squall after squall and plenty of rain (good for rinsing the boat at least), and for several hours the wind held. Eventually though the inevitable happened, and Surfing Petrel got caught in the clutches of a windless void, surrounded by cumulobeasties sucking in any remaining breeze. After some time of going nowhere very fast, life got back to normal. As expected, the trade winds are weaker, and our competition have held onto stronger wind to the north. But the evil little low pressure system just starting to form (and possibly turn into a tropical storm as it heads north) is about to upset the trade winds.
In stark contrast, last night was a perfect reminder of why we go to sea. Aperitif in the cockpit before sunset, entertainment provided by a couple of good raconteurs, a clear night sky full of stars, moonlight for over half the night, very few clouds and no squall attacks! No flying fish attacks either.
Miranda/ Surfing Petrel