Selene - Thursady 6th December
Now this is more like it!
Last night was, on the whole gentle, rather better on the leeward bunk than the windward, but after staying on port tack until the wind veered round to 270 - the direction we wished to go, then tacking we have continued to make good upwind progress but only 140 miles run yesterday. It could have been much worse. We seemed to miss the predicted wind hole. Overnight the wind freed and steadied to 12-14kts at 025, as predicted. Some gentle showers, but on the whole a clear night and a nice red sky at sunset.
After a hearty breakfast of porridge, OJ and coffee we hoisted the pink asymmetric kite managing a course of 270 with a TWA of 120 - perfect conditions. Our speed was surprisingly down and there followed an amusing debate between the skipper and the navigator as to whether we should tighten the tack line or release it to power up the sail at that wind angle. Anyway after some trial and error we now have a working solution and are tramping along at 8.5Kts. St Lucia here we come. We have less than 900 miles to run and at this rate we should be in Monday or Tuesday.
The nights seem long with no electricity, and only a head torch for light, but it allows time to catch up n sleep. I had managed 8 hours sleep last night and felt very fresh this morning when I awoke at 0700 boat time and was able to have wipe down with a damp cloth to remove the salt - a mixture of spray and sweat, some wet wipes for those important little places, clean my teeth and throw some damp clothes and bedding on deck to air a little and stood my watch from 0800-1000 in a pair of bathers.
The jamon has developed a nasty case of penicillin, but once you cut this away, the ham beneath remains as tasty as ever and I think we shall be going for some ham and olives with fresh bread and perhaps another beer or a little sherry wine (in the interests of water conservation) at lunchtime.
Morale remains excellent in spite of all our difficulties. The crew are great and we are looking forward to what should be a nice run down to St Lucia over the next few days, hopefully downwind all the way. However I am sure there are further surprises in store and we remain alert to the rhythm of the boat and the weather - safety is our watchword.
It amazing how much notice you take of every little change in cloud formation and try to work out what changes they will bring. We are also constantly alert to every sound on the boat. It is as if Selene is talking to us as she continues to care for us and speed us on our way to our loved ones and exciting times ahead in the beginning of our Caribbean adventure.
Selene out!