6th December 2012.
Venemous At Sea
During the past 24 hours we witnessed a spectacular sunset with the horizon displaying many shades of red with lovely reflection off the clouds. It was a sight to behold. However not long after we were becalmed for over 10 hours. While the vessel rolled, we had a lovely star light with Jupiter, Orion's Belt and Sirius as well a almost full moon lighting up the sky. The downside was it was like an oven below decks as there was no movement of air through the boat .We were all delighted when a bit of wind eventually returned followed shortly afterwards by a downpour of warm rain which was treat and very refreshing. The lads on watch were even able to have a quick shower!!
As the winds were very variable we had fewer sail changes during the day but spent a lot of time on the rail trying to get the boat moving again under a very warm sun.
In other news, Lawrence had a shave today and is a completely changed man, while Oleg, Gennadi and Serb Mike had a sea water shower on the afterdeck. The standard of cuisine declined with Juan taking a well deserved day off. Instead for main meal we had bacon and cheese toasties with a bowl of beans. Hopefully Juan will be back in action tomorrow. In the running for the best tan award we have Mark and Rob almost neck and neck with Stefan in a close third, while in the new beard section under the supervision of Robin, we have Peter and Dick running a tight race with Brendan following lying in third.
We have presently less than 500 miles to run to St Lucia all in good shape and looking forward to our rum punches when we reach the island