Yesterday it finally happened.
At exactly 19:00 h UTC. The empire has struck back. Poseidon goes for a brake, the dark forces are having dinner, I don't know what, but after a very strong rain shower it really happened what we did not have since we departed on the 27th of November. For the first time we experienced significantly less than F 7 wind, in fact , and this is the funny bit, we experienced no wind at all . Niente, basta, fini, aus, nothing goes any more. We waited for an hour , tried to hoist the Parasailor to take advantage of that whisper of a wind that wasn't really there, but gave up quickly.
Who wants to hang around Mid-Atlantic ? No Cafe Sport ( Azores) here, no Sailor's Bar ( Gran Canaria ), or any other friendly 'etablissement' available, no Disco like in Benidorm, no cinema like in Leister Square, no nothing. Not even Dolphins, turtles, whales, birds, any fellow ARC participant, no fishing lines left - those we had were all thrown overboard by Pieter for reasons we still have to understand - so nothing to do. Just wallowing in the swell. Thickening !
So we decided with a grave heart to switch on the engine. After 9 days of continuous sailing it almost broke our hearts ! We are crying ! Why ? Well, we don't like motorboats, silly !
Master Mike