Venomous Ships Blog - Friday 5.47 GMT
Position: Below Deck (14 40' 585 N - 055 17'.842 W)
Weather: Cloudy - Occasional sunshine - VERY Humid.
Windspeed: 15kt
Race Position: TBC Catching the pack.
Venomous is now on the home straight with 32 hrs or so hrs to go. Based on the fact that we departed 24 hrs after the few professionally crewed leader boats in front, being a short distance behind and catching - the Venomous crew are upbeat, in race mode and gradually moving up the leader board. Yesterday we completed 12 sail changes, with Lawrence and Spike directing some awesome peeling on the foredeck. (Obviously this is a biased view as Lawence is writing this blog! In fact when dawn broke it became very obvious that Lawrence and Spike were awesome at maypole dancing!! - San) We also hit the doldrums in the middle of the night and literally stood still for 4 hours. Although frustrating, the zero winds gave Sandra and Jack an opportune moment to take down and repair the mainsail.
As we only have water or tea onboard, the talk is of cold beers in SL. However, Lawrence did manage to hold an auction for a smuggled ice cold can of coke. Choosing his moment well in 30c mid day heat, the can went after fierce bidding to Dick for 25 dollars. The money will go to a charity of Dicks choosing back in Philly - Lawrence will go without.
Christmas has come early on Venomous. Not only were we visited by the ghost of Christmas past in the shape of Mike wearing his factor 300 sun block, Jack also appeared with a advent calendar. Dec 1st soon went. And so did 2,3,4 and so on. I doubt the heat had anything to do with it. The coolest bunks on the boat are up in the bow sail locker. Missing Rob completely, it is here where Richard last night experienced a bed bath from a wave coming through an open hatch. It certainly made the crew laugh - grumpy f*****.
Peter has grown a beard and has vowed not to shave until he sees his daughter in SL. It actually suits him, although his half tanned face will look pretty silly when he does eventually shave.
Today is cloudy with a swell. If it wasn't for the 32c heat we could be back in Cowes. Robin actually managed to tie a bowline today - quite an achievement aside for the fact that he has been practising since leaving Cowes in 1874.
Roll on SL.
Venomous Crew