Orion - Week 2, Friday Dec.8
The day started with heavy rain and both watches got soaked - luckily the afternoon has been with sunshine. The wind is only around 5 knots and we are doing slow progress. Tomorrow we should have the wind back, pushing us west. Rune was dragged after the boat and he confirmed that 6 knots is the max. speed to get safely back into the boat even for a strong man. The marlin was today served by Alex with curry - very delicious. Henrik
The fresh rain was cooling and quite welcome although visibility at the time was very poor; no discernible horizon at all. The deck light seems to have worked loose so there might be a second trip up the mast in store for me. We saw some large dolphins playing round the boat today but they didn't stay long, just long enough to make us smile. Enjoyed Alex's curry very much; Barbara.
CALM!Our ETA under the question!Alex.
Hola, nos cuentan que algunos estan ya muy cerca del destino, lo cual explicaria la ausencia de compania por estos lares. Hoy nos hemos empapado de lo lindo, menos mal que la temperarura ayuda a soportarlo mejor. El mar esta como un plato y sopla una brisita lijera, parece mentira que solo hace unas horas estabamos con rachas de 25. Un saludo a todos. Mi prediccion ETA es el Domingo 16th at 12.00. Domingo . A perfect opportunity this evening to take an amplitude of the setting sun and now I can show those interested how easy it is to check the deviation on the ships compass. Today's progress was slow , probably the spirit of the crew got damp from the rain, now the sun shines and some are smiling. Keith
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