Johanem - 11th December 2012
15 09'.727 North 50 22'.409 West
Bearing 250 degrees, 615 NM to St Lucia, approx hours to go 101
Today's landmarks - only 700 miles to go and reaching 50 degrees west. We also put the clock back another hour, so we are now UT minus 3 hours. All causes for celebration for which "the boys" (average age 56) called not one, but two beer o'clocks - one at 12 noon and the second at the new 12 noon.
A very pleasant day after the heavy rains and thunder storms of yesterday and the night before, with light breezes and pleasantly warm. The waterproofs have had time to dry and we've opened the hatches to reduce the condensation.
Lunch on deck included a new variation on the white cabbage salad. We are lucky to be still eating fresh fruit and veg after two weeks at sea - all that washing and daily turning has paid off. Lunch was followed by a Bridge lesson, led by Ian and various self-teaching guides, with a brief interruption whilst our on-board marine plumber replaced the galley pump. And then we were back on watch at 3. Another variation on a day at sea. This is our 14th day and we are all doing well. The discipline of the watch system gives a shape to our days and allows for time off in between which means we are free to sleep during the day to catch up on sleep missed during the night watches.
We hope to arrive in St Lucia on Saturday or Sunday. The wind is very light currently, but at least it is taking us in the right direction. Progress is slow, but at least we are sailing and not motoring. The promised winds are still proving elusive, but their is some hope that we will have 15-20 knot winds by midnight when we go back on watch.
We are all in good spirits and looking forward to reunions with our loved ones.
love Susie