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Flags and bands celebrate the official opening of the 28th ARC

With one week to go before the ARC 2013 fleet leave Las Palmas de Gran Canaria for Rodney Bay in Saint Lucia, crews from across the world marched and danced behind their national flags in a stirring parade around Las Palmas Marina.

At midday Sunday November 17, hundreds of ARC participants took part in the Official Opening Ceremony for ARC 2013. Flag bearers from representing Gran Canaria, Spain, Saint Lucia, the European Union and 22 of the main nationalities in the ARC fleet paraded behind the Banda Gran Canaria, with the Banda H Mencey beating a salsa rhythm at the back. The grand parade had a real festival atmosphere as participants young and old waved flags and cheered.

A warm welcome to the ARC sailors was made by Sr Juan Francisco Martin, Commercial Director of the Port of Las Palmas; Mimi Gonzalez from the Concejal del Ayuntamiento de Las Palmas (City Hall of Las Palmas) and Sr Melchor Camon, of the Patronato de Turismo de Gran Canaria. Leo Clarke, Chairman of the Special Events Committee for the Saint Lucia Tourist Board told participants that they can expect a warm welcome and warm weather on arrival in the Caribbean and wished them a safe crossing.

Andrew Bishop, Managing Director of World Cruising Club declared ARC 2013 officially "open" and the country flags were proudly hoisted on flagpoles around the marina as the band struck up once again and fireworks were launched in celebration.

The fiesta atmosphere continued with ARC participants and local people taking part in Don Pedro’s Dinghy Race around the marina. Coming out of retirement to host the race, Don Pedro is a long time supporter of the ARC and used to manage the fuel dock in the Marina. The race across the marina encourages crews, dressed in a variety of fancy dress costumes, to use any tactics they like to outwit their opponents.

In the first week of ARC activities in Las Palmas, crews have enjoyed daily social events, seminars on cruising topics and the opportunity to plant another 200 trees in the ARC Forest in the mountains above the city. 

ARC activities continue this week, with more crew flying in to join their boats.  211 of the 226 confirmed entries are now in the marina, and the remaining boats are expected in the next few days.

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