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Tobermory and the end of the 2012 Malts Cruise

Tobermory and the end of the 2012 Malts Cruise
19 July 2012

Heading away from Plockton towards the final party of the Malts Cruise at Tobermory involved navigating the narrow channel between the Isle of Skye and the mainland – the Kyles of Loch Alsh and the Kyle Rhea which have tide streams of up to 6 knots at times!

So, it was an early start for the Malts Cruise yachts south from Plockton, and while not planned as a “parade of sail” almost became one! The transiting the Kyles – from the gaelic word caol, which means narrow channel – is best done with a favourable tide. With 4-5 knots of water pushing the boats south, it was a swift passage beneath the Skye Bridge and through the twisting, but spectacular waterway.

As the channel opens out into the Sound of Sleat, there is much choice for anchorages heading south. Lochs Hourn and Nevis both offer delightful stopovers as do Arisaig and Moidert further beyond the Sound. It was then back to Tobermory on the Isle of Mull, where the yachts “crossed their track” to complete the circumnavigation of Skye.

The Tobermory Highland Games which coincided with the end of the Malts Cruise offered another chance to experience the culture of the western Isles with displays of traditional dancing, piping and the famous “heavy events” – tossing hammers, stones and tree trunks, much to the delight of the many visitors watching.

The Malts Cruise in TobermoryThe terrace of the Western Isles Hotel afforded a superb view across Tobermory Bay as the crews gathered for the final time on this Malts Cruise. A lone piper played traditional airs to start the evening as a welcome dram of Tobermory whisky was poured. Two weeks of sailing had led to firm friendships amongst the diverse nationalities as crews chatted and swapped their cruising stories in the evening sunshine. Cruise Director Andrew Bishop thanked all the helpers and hosts before inviting everyone to enjoy the fabulous array of Scottish seafood prepared as the final Malts Cruise dinner, a fitting end to a wonderful cruise.

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