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Briefing on Cruising Brazil

Many of the World ARC crews were treated to a very informative and interesting cruising talk this morning by Eduardo de Moura, President of FENAB, the local sailing federation in Salvador. Eduardo helped crews by sharing his experiences about cruising in Brazil so they can make the most of their time in the country before they leave in mid-March.

Eduardo presented the options for exploring in the Bay de Todos Santos, the second largest bay in the world. The choices of places to go include overnights stops at the Baia de Aratu, IIha Madre de Deus and Ilha Frade. Or as a more dedicated adventure, another option is to travel up the Rio Paraguaçu to the town of Maragojipe before coming back down the river and maybe stopping at the marina at Vera Cruz on the north of Itaparica.

The World ARC boats have more than 20 days to explore this north east coastline of Brazil and so it will also be achievable to visit a few of the wonderful spots to the south of the Bay before going north to Fortaleza. These spots include Morro de São Paulo, 30 nautical miles south of the Todos Santos bay and Camamu, 30 miles further still where one can visit the Tremembé waterfall, Taipus de Fora Beach and the shipyard using original methods at Cajaiba.

Eduardo also shared his knowledge and photos of Fernando de Noronha where he had visited in the last year. It will be possible for crews to visit the off-lying archipelago on the way to Fortaleza if they take a more offshore route. As Eduardo said ‘This place is simply stunning’

The presentation provided crews with a real head start in their planning for the next few weeks and as one skipper said ‘so we party hard during Carnaval and have a real choice of which anchorages to visit to recover!’

Eduado receive a signed World ARC poster on behalf of FENAB

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