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Caipirinhas and Cervejas before Carnaval

The World ARC crews were formally welcomed to Salvador da Bahia yesterday afternoon with a very pleasant welcome function and prizegiving event. The sun was shining so it was fortunate that a nice breeze was flowing across the terrace at the Terminal Nautico marina where the World ARC fleet is moored. As well as welcoming the fleet, it was also an opportunity to thank those local organisations which support the World ARC stay in Bahia for the tremendous reception which the boats have receive.

Thinking back to the moment crews step onto dock and are presented with ice cold Caipirinhas drinks and pieces of fruit and met by a local Baiana lady to receive their ‘Carnival Survival Kit’, including T-shirt, water bottle and local information it didn't seam things could get better . But skippers were delighted when they learnt that the international clearances would be done at the marina and that the berthing would be provided free of charge for up to 17 days! The crews had sailed a long way but it was worth it!

They splendid arrangements continued for the function yesterday. The local food dishes were delicious, including the freshly fried ‘acarajes’ (pan fried smash bean fritters) and the drinks flowed freely. It was a lovely way to spend an afternoon which was also a good lead into the Carnaval activities which were taking place in the evening.

Prizes were awarded for the last leg of the Rally and also for a few other achievements too.  Invited guests from the Receita Federal (Customs Office), Inspector Mr Luciano Maciel, and the Port Captain’s Office,  Lieutenant Josaine Santana, helped to present the prizes.

The roll of honour of those organisations which support World ARC and were represented at the Welcome Function reads as follows;  SUDESB – represented by Professor Ney, FENEB, the local sailing federation in Bahia represented by their Vice President Arnaldo Pimenta, GT Náutico represented by  their co-ordinator, Amélia Ramon, the Terminal Náutico Marina represented by the Director Rosana Faria and from SETUR/Bahiatursa, representing the Tourism Secretary of Bahia, was Cássia Magalhães.

Carnival has begun! Several crews are venturing together to the Barra-Ondina circuit today to take their spots in a Camarote or balcony overlooking the parade. Bom Carnaval!

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