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Only 7 days later!!!

After a week of remarkable conditions at sea, the first World ARC yachts arrived in Port Louis Marina in Grenada today, completing some very quick passage times. During the last 7 days, fantastic currents and great winds strengths and directions, have conspired to catapult the fleet back across the equator and into the Caribbean.  Many of the yachts including those still at sea, are reporting best average distances for their noon to noon positions.

The two boats arriving today have had consecutive’ daily runs’ in excess of 250 nautical miles, which is fantastic progress. Taking Line Honours for the passage, the first yacht across the line was GUNVOR XL who arrived after 7 days, 1 hour and 15 minutes at sea. Shortly behind them was Anastasia, who should also be please that they arrived so quickly because their mainsail was badly ripped several days ago and needed to be reefed to be flown. The crews were met on the dock by representatives of the Grenada Board of Tourism and the Grenada Hotel and Tourism Association who took photos, got a quick interview and also presented tourist information to the crews.

But it’s also good news that these great conditions have been benefitting the whole fleet and so all 15 of the boats who restarted in Fortaleza, Brazil are expected to arrive over the next three days. They will be joined by other World ARC crews who sailed independently from Brazil to spend more time in the Caribbean. In fact, this morning on the dock,  Rally Control were joined by Jonathan & Heather on matilda, who arrived in the Caribbean a few ago, to share a Rivers rum punch and beer with the new arrivals.

With the crews arriving in record time, they’ll be even more time to rest, relax and explore in the Spice Island.

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