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Day Out

On Saturday, World ARC crews circumnavigated Grenada, but it wasn’t by boat. The participants enjoyed a full day tour of the island in small coaches, visiting a variety of locations to learn more about its history and present day life of the island. Leaving the capital, St George’s, the route went up the west coast, through the fishing villages of Molinere and Gouyave, before a stop at the Dougaldstone Spice Estate. After seeing the boucan where cocoa beans dry out in the sun, the group was led inside the building and invited to smell, touch and guess what the different spices were.

The exploration continued with a tour of the Gouyave Cooperative Nutmeg Station. Also known as the spice island, Grenada is the world’s second largest producer of nutmeg, and the guided visit of the plant gave everyone the opportunity to see how the crop is processed.

Lunch was taken in the Rivers Rum restaurant with a great view to the east coast of Grenada.

Afterwards,crews went on a guided tour to the distillery which ended up with a taste of their clear spirit, 71% potion! Rivers Antoine is the oldest rum factory on the island dating from 1785 and it still works with the original machinery including a steel water wheel. A great experience!


Returning to St. Georges, through the lush vegetation and windy roads of the Grand Etang Forest Reserve, there was time for a stop to feed the monkeys and have a good laugh at their antics.

In the following days, the World ARC yachts will cruise north to Marigot Bay, St. Lucia, through some great cruising areas; Grenada, Carriacou, and the islands of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Mayreau, Tobago Cays and Bequia. It will be the final 150 miles of an amazing circumnavigation voyage.

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