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Meet the ARC Europe & Atlantic Cup team

The ARC Europe & Atlantic Cup team are a dedicated and experienced bunch, all of whom have a wealth of sailing experience themselves and will be familiar faces to those that have sailed in previous World Cruising Club events. The staff work closely with the local marinas, Customs & Immigration, Tourist Boards and other authorities in all of our visiting ports, and together aim to ensure that you enjoy this event to it's full potential and arrive safely to your final destination.

Andy and Mia met backpacking in New Zealand in '06. They got married in Sweden in June '11 and sailed their 35-foot yawl Arcturusacross the far north Atlantic two weeks later. Mia grew up far away from boats in the Swedish countryside; Andy spent summers sailing his family's successive Sojourner's on the Chesapeake Bay. Arcturus is now in the Baltic, bound (eventually) for Arctic Norway. Andy & Mia are our US representatives and run the Caribbean 1500. They will be in charge of the Atlantic Cup 2013.

Lyall who has now been running the event the last 3 years will be the event manager from start to finish, and supporting him throughout the event will be Kieran, who is involved in ARC Europe for the second time having worked on many WCC events before including World ARC, Rally Portugal and the ARC. 

Team from left: Kieran Higgs, Lyall Burgess, Andy Schell, Mia Karlsson 

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