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Bayona - Great to be here

The last of the Plymouth starters have all now arrived safely inside Monte Real Clube De Yates. Yacht Unleashed, owned by Ken Vonhoff arrived during the early afternoon of Friday 7 June, after a quick sail from Plymouth having departed 31 hours behind the rest of the fleet. Following Unleashed was Yacht Valhalla, the Bavaria 36 sailed double-handed by Clive Rudd Fernandez & his Wife Liliet.

Now 18 Rally boats are moored inside the MRCY Marina, whilst crews are enjoying the delights of Bayona. Last night, the bars and restaurants were busy with sailors sharing stories of their Biscay crossing as they relaxed and enjoyed some fine Spanish cuisine on dry land. Jonathan from Farfelu found it hard to believe just how good a hot shower felt after his Biscay crossing;

‘All I really wanted was a nice hot shower, a cold beer, and a meal ashore – they all exceeded expectations!’.

This morning brought with it some scattered rain showers but as the afternoon came, the Sun appeared providing a perfect opportunity for participants to walk around the Parador overlooking the marina and simply enjoy some relaxations time ashore. Those who stayed onboard provided a very warm welcome to Valhalla as they arrived, sounding their horns and cheering them in. Olivier from Yacht Idefix, in true ARC fashion made up some Rum punches for Clive and Liliet, handing them over to the tired yet happy couple as soon as the boat was tied up. Also greeting them was Liliet’s parents who have come to Bayona to see them both, giving them a loving hug! They were both very grateful for such a warm response and are very happy to be ashore.


We now look forward to our first official reception tonight on the lawn at MRCY Yacht Club for Sangria and tapas. An impromptu crew supper has been arranged after the drinks reception, which will take place at El Tunnel Restaurant. With over seventy participants currently attending, it looks to be a very lively and lovely evening.


Unleashed arrive in Bayona

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