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Start of leg 5

The ARC Portugal fleet have now begun their 55NM passage from Figueira Da Foz to the quaint fishing port of Peniche. After a 24 hour delay due to poor weather conditions which caused the port in Figueira to close temporarily, the fleet had a great start this morning with 12-15kts from North-West, albeit a tad overcast. Miguel Amarel, from Clube Nautico de Figueira was onboard the Committee Vessel and spoke on the VHF after the start signal wishing the fleet fair winds and thanked them for visiting Figueira Da Foz, hoping they may return one day. Calls came back from various yachts on CH77 thanking the club for their help and support during their lovely stopover.

First across the line was Yacht Charlie & Kate Baynes’ Webster followed by John & Joyce Easteal’s Starblazer. Idefix managed to get her spinnaker up as she powered across the line. The winds look good for the crossing so we expect the fleet to be arriving in Peniche in time for this evening’s reception at 1800.

ARC Portugal would like to thank Camara Municipal De Figueira Da Foz, the Tourist Office, CNAFF Clube Nautico de Figueira and the local Port authority for their support during the event’s stopover and we look forward to celebrating the rally’s 20th year in 2014.


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