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Thank you Oeiras!

The ARC Portugal fleet are now underway from Porto de Recreio de Oeiras after a great stopover once again in Oeiras. The participants had enjoyed a fantastic sail from Peniche and were welcomed by rally control and the staff here at Oeiras on arrival on Thursday 20 June. The Marina in Oeiras is in an excellent location; only a short train ride from the countries capital of Lisbon, and easily accessible to the picturesque town of Sintra and Cascais where a tour was organised for the participnats on Saturday.

Participants enjoyed a guided tour of Oeiras on Friday including a walk through Poets Park, the gunpowder Museum in Bacarena, and the historical old town of Oeiras. For those who felt they needed a day to recoup after their busy recent sailing schedule, crews could enjoy the lively atmosphere in one of the many cafes and bars overlooking the marina.

The prize giving reception was held on Friday evening a short walk from the docks, where awards were presented to the winners of each class as well as the ever-competitive smiley miley and ETA competition. Congratulations to Yachts Serendipity who took 1st place in Class B and Webster who was awarded 1st in Class A. The results of all ARC Portugal legs can be seen here: 

Participants also got creative on Friday and Saturday as each yacht was invited to paint a mural on the wall of the marina, a custom here in Oeiras Marina, not dis-similar to the tradition in Horta in the Azores after an Atlantic crossing. It is considered bad luck if you stay here in Oeiras and do not leave your mark on the wall. A prize will be awarded in Sines for the best mural painting.


The sunny start today (Sunday) was taken from just outside the marina entrance with all 19 yachts sailing over the line making for a great spectacle from ashore. Winds were favourable with a 12-15kt breeze from the North-east, allowing for an ideal photogenic start to the leg. With some strong winds forecast it looks to be yet another fast passage to Sines, where the fleet will be greeted by Rally Control once again, for the end of the events penultimate leg.

Participants really enjoyed there time in Oeiras and thanked the staff here who made their stay a very smooth one. Being offered complimentary bread each morning delivered to the rally boats was just an example of the top quality hospitality they received whilst here. A big thanks you goes to the reception staff as well as the guys on the dock who helped make it all happen.

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