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ARC+ Seminars prove very popular

ARC+ Seminars got underway today in Las Palmas, with many participants attending many of the hour-long specialist presentations dedicated to a whole range of topics about ocean cruising. 

Seasoned ARC+ team member and 25-time Atlantic sailor Chris Tibbs started a day of Seminars off at the Varadero Club with his tips on Managing Emergencies which may occur at sea. Chris provided first hand experience, guidance and knowledge on this topic before answering questions from many skippers and crews. Chris was followed by Managing Director Andrew Bishop, who spoke for an hour on Communications at sea, covering the SSB radio net as well as position reporting. Chris Tibbs then took over the microphone again as he provided tips for downwind sailing, a very relevant seminar as the ARC+ fleet are typically expected to spend the majority of their Atlantic circuit sailing downwind. 

'We both found the seminars extremely informative and have helped us think about some factors we may have over-looked' - Colin & Jill,  Resolute of Thames

Chris Tibbs delivers the Management of Emergencies at sea seminar at Club Varadero

Last night’s Crew Supper at Restaurante Embarcadero was well attended with a total of 130 ARC+ participants seated for a fantastic 3 course meal. It was an ideal opportunity for crews to socialise amongst themselves and continue to form some close friendships with neighbouring yachts. In the short space of time the ARC+ has been open, it is great to see such social camaraderie amongst the fleet. 

‘I feel I have made some great friends already and I am looking forward to keeping that contact as we cross the Atlantic’ – Lauryn, Yacht Marsail

Tonight brings the first of the ARC+ Sundowners held at the Federación de Vela dinghy club, where participants with their ARC+ passes are entitled to complimentary refreshments as well as some tapas tastings kindly sponsored by Embotelladora and JP Butchers. We expect a capacity attendance after a busy day at work as many yachts continue preparations for their Atlantic passage departing Las Palmas in a mere 5 days! 

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