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The first ARC+ sets sail from Las Palmas

The first ARC+ set sail today from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, bound for Mindelo in the Cape Verde Islands. A brisk north Easterly wind provided great sailing conditions for a downwind start and a swift departure for the first part of their Atlantic crossing. 43 yachts carrying 183 rally crews headed across the start line at 1300 headed South making for a fantastic sight from ashore.

First boats to cross the start line
While the ARC+ is a cruising rally, there is a start and finish line and at 1300 both the Multihull Division and Cruising Division headed across a start line between the Committee Vessel and a yellow buoy 500m towards the shore allowing spectators on land a great view. First across the line was David Smith’s Voyage 440 Easy Rider 2 (GBR) followed by Aronna X (BEL), LUV (GER) and fourth across was the Rival 38 Kika (GBR). Once across the line many boats hoisted their downwind sails allowing for a colourful sight. Erik Roede’s Swan 53 Oda was the first yacht to have his spinnaker up as he cruised across the start line at a good speed.

All boats are now on their way to Mindelo, 850NM due South The weather forecast suggests moderate north-easterly trade winds for the passage enabling the boats to make good mileage, and we hope to be welcoming the bulk of the fleet into Mindelo over Friday 15 and Saturday 16 November.

Farewell to Las Palmas
In the 10 days of ARC+ activities in Las Palmas, the ARC+ participants become an important part of the city, and they always receive a warm send-off. Boats left the docks being waved off by neighbouring ARC rally crews who will not be departing Las Palmas until 24 November.

Follow the fleet

All ARC+ boats are fitted with the latest version of the Yellowbrick YB3 Satellite trackers, allowing family and friends to follow the fleet from the comfort of their own home. As well as position, the online Fleet Viewer displays heading, speed and boat information. Wind direction and speed is also shown. Follow the fleet online here 

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