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ARC+ sails South

The ARC+ fleet have been making some great progress since departing Las Palmas de Gran Canaria on Sunday 10 November. After a fantastic start the 43 ARC+ boats have been averaging a speed of 7kts as they sail on a true heading of approximately 220degrees towards the island of Sao Vincente in the Cape Verdes Islands.

Our largest boat in the fleet Malisi (AUT) has covered the greatest distance thus far, covering 200NM in her first 24hrs. The rest of the fleet are all more closer packed together all making good progress. Thanks to the yellow Brick satellite tracker fitted onto each boat in Las Palmas, you can follow boats’ progress via the fleetviewer here:

Unfortunately sailing boat Nefeli (ITA) has decided to turn back to Las Palmas after encountering auto helm failure approximately 80NM from Gran Canaria. They have been in touch with Rally Control and will be making repairs on arrival into Muelle Deportivo.

Yacht Viking left Las Palmas early

as are have some deadlines to meet. The boat has 220NM yet to sail, and the ARC+ team look forward to greeting them into Mindelo on Tuesday.

We have already received some entertaining and informative blogs from yachts La Rochelle, Sonsy Lass, Easy Rider 2, Joy of Shamrock Quay, Hanami II, Solar Blue and Enigma. Crews will be keeping friends and family up to date on goings on onboard as they complete the Atlantic circuit with ARC+. You can follow blog entries from our ARC+ fleet via our website here



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