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ARC+ over half way to Cape Verdes

The ARC+ fleet are now passed the halfway mark and making great progress as they approach the Cape Verdes. The fleet have continued to post regular blogs so that all can stay in the loop and maintain an idea of what goes on in the midst of the Atlantic. 

Malisi is still leading the group, however has slowed progress recently after a spinnaker problem leading them further South than intended whilst attempting to de-foul their largest sail and eventually tearing it. They are still making 9kts as they come within 200NM from Mindelo.

As for the more cruising boats, which makes up the majority of the fleet, crews are settling into life on the water and appear content. Resolute of Thames have not yet used their engine ‘in anger’ since before the start in Las Palmas and we expect very few, if any boats have used their engine thus far for forward propulsion.Unfortunately rally boat Ninfea has returned to Las Palmas as they experienced auto helm failure not far from Gran Canaria and have returned for repairs. They will take part in ARC 2013 which departs Las Palmas on 24 November. We welcome yacht Skook to the fleet who is joining the rally here in Mindelo, Markus and his team are looking forward to meeting the rest of the fleet before heading off together across the Atlantic to St Lucia. 

Joy of Shamrock Quay have posted a great log informing friends and family of their highlights after three days in. We have thoroughly enjoyed our downwind sailing over the last couple of days., They have been lucky enough to spot dolphins swimming along as they surf at 9+kts down waves and have also spotted a wale surfacing close by. 

'We are hand steering all the way except for sail changes and logs at night, we are LOVING this experience.........' - Joy of Shamrock 

Susie, Jeremy and Graham from Joy of Shamrock Quay surfing their way to Cape Verdes. 

For further logs posted from our boats at sea, you can read their logs here.

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