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Exploring Gran Canaria

Some crews enjoyed a little ‘time off’ from their Atlantic preparations today, escaping the marina to join a guided bus tour of the Island of Gran Canaria. 

Departing the marina at 09:00, crews visited the Jardín Botánico Canario Viera y Clavijo (Botanical Gardens) and up to the Bandama peak. After a coffee stop in San Mateo, the bus set off for the next lunch stop at Cruz de Tejeda. The final stop of the day saw crews explore the Basilica in Teror. The Basilica is located in the town square Plaza del Pino, and construction began on the building in 1767. 

It would be sad to set off from Gran Canaria without exploring the mountains and wonderful views it has to offer and to soak up the delights of the ARC port of departure and Old Town of Las Palmas, known as the ‘City of Sea and Cultures’.

Gran Canaria is one of eight Islands in the Canary archipelago: a melting pot of cultures and an island of contrasts where golden sandy beaches and imposing dunes vie with volcanic cone-shaped peaks. As the second most populated Island, Gran Canaria is cosmopolitan and bustling and has been home to the ARC for 28 years!

Walking around Vegueta, the historical area of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, it’s easy to see architecture resulting from centuries of travel between Europe and America.

With an Atlantic crossing ahead of them in a few days time, participants were naturally drawn to the Casa de Colón - the Columbus House Museum - as the famous explorer himself sailed from the Canary Islands in 1492 to discover New World.

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