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A positive welcome into Rodney Bay Marina

Thirty-five ARC+ boats have now arrived into IGY Rodney Bay Marina in Saint. Lucia, after a busy start to what will most definitely be a busy week. Overnight arrivals continued to trickle in, with five yachts - including Gertha 4. Corona AQ, Hanami, Marsail and Balance - arriving before the ARC office opened at 0900 this morning. After a 2800NM passage, berthing a boat in the middle of the night into a busy marina can prove daunting, but with the assistance of the ARC team, along with very helpful dock staff, each rally boat is guided to a suitable slip. Even after this long and arduous trip across an ocean, the taste of a cold rum punch and a warm smiley welcome is enough to turn any tiring sailor into a giddy child.

Owner of the Laurin 32’ Corona AQ, Pekka Karlsson steered his boat into Rodney Bay Marina for the third time flying the ARC flag. He and his wife Barbro participated in the very first ARC back in 1986, and again in 2001. Pekka thought his ARC days were up but when the news came that a new ARC rally had been launched taking the fleet via the Cape Verdes, he and his wife signed up and began preparing their ever trusty Corona AQ for another Atlantic crossing.

On arrival into Rodney Bay Marina Pekka Karlsson explained how ‘the Marina may have changed a lot but the atmosphere and feeling on arrival is just as good as I remember’. 

Corona AQ cross the ARC+ finish line                              Crew from Corona AQ are are welcomed on the dock

As crews ambled ashore and became reacquainted with a wifi connection, it was clear many participants felt blessed that they had experienced a very fair Atlantic passage from Mindelo, whilst many of the ARC fleet have been encountering some very light winds. 

‘We really can’t complain about our trip, we could more-or-less sail the whole way and were never becalmed’. Simon Ridley, Gertha 4.

With the arrival of the rest of the ARC+ fleet along with the faster ARC boats over the next 24hours, the already lively atmosphere in Rodney Bay is only going to get livelier!

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