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Safety First!

Wednesday morning, safety demonstrations were held for flare and liferaft deployment for participants in ARC Europe and ARC USA 2014. World Cruising Club stress the importance of safety on their rallies and these demonstrations are a basic introduction. Crews are recommended to take full courses prior to departure.  

Flare Deployment 
A carefully marked area at the breakwater, on the marina entrance of Nanny Cay, was the venue for participants to deploy their flares. The flare demo is a chance for participants to see live flare firing and also a chance to have a go themselves at firing one off as a resfresher. 
Types of flares touched upon were:
• Orange smoke
• Red handheld
• Red parachute (not fired but discussed)

Also the difference between a SOLAS flare, which burns at is the type required by WCC, and a US Coastguard flare was demonstrated.

Liferaft deployment 
Participants gathered by the Nanny Cay swimming pool to observe and volunteer in a liferaft deployment. Dry boarding and wet boarding techniques were practiced with volunteers as well as re-righting a capsized raft.
The type of raft used was an Avon 6 man raft provided by Caribbean Inflatables.

Thanks to all the volunteers!

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