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Office Open - ARC Portugal 2014 has started!

Brent and Nir on Porcellum

This morning he ARC Portugal office opened in Mayflower Marina, Plymouth. 13 of the 16 yachts starting in Plymouth ha
ve been checked in and began safety inspections for their sail down the Portuguese coast. Two yachts will join the rally at a later date including Remedy of Mylor in Bayona and Aislig Bheag who after maintenance problems aim to join the fleet on the Portuguese coast.

With a busy few days of provisioning, boat preparations and getting to know fellow participants, crews have a fun few days ahead of them. Tonight marks the start of the social programme where many crews are joining the Royal Plymouth Corinthian Yacht Club for dinner and drinks overlooking Plymouth Sound and the ARC Portugal start line. With a mix of experience, knowledge and background amongst the crews, the night should be full of excitement as they all get to know one another.

As people continue to arrive over the next few days, skippers and crew have a rally presentation, skippers briefing and crew supper to look forward to before setting sail on Sunday morning to their first destination of Bayona in Spain. 

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