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"It's been great sailing!"

"It's been great sailing!"  This is what we are hearing from all of the boats this year, reporting great conditions to really make some moves across the North Atlantic.  The low average number of engine hours is also a good sign that crews have had a good sail, Tosca reported zero engine hours aswell as Gertha 4 - but that was because one of the blades on their prop fell off! 

And the boats just keep on filtering into Horta marina, we have now 21 ARC Europe boats tucked away in the marina and are expecting Mystic next and a few more during the night.  In Horta marina it's a sociable place as boats are rafted up to 4 deep off the harbour wall.  With plenty of crews trundling across the first boat's decks Amelie are deciding on what 'tax' to charge!

 There has been plenty of wildlife being spotted, Arcarius of Plymouth arriving today saw pilot whales on the approaches to the Azores and dolphins nearly everyday on the crossing.  The kids on Morning Haze said that in the night time, and mixed up in the phosphorenscence, the dolphins were like torpedoes coming in from all directions!


big smiles from the crew of Shenanigan:)

Tonight there is a crew supper at a local restaurant, the Canto de Doca.  This is otherwise known as the hot rocks restaurant as crews get to cook their own food at their table on super hot volcanic stones!  It's a pretty informal night with a great set menu and half bottle of wine and we hope to squeeze nearly half the fleet into the restaurant.

Crews have already been exploring the island of Faial on scooters and rental cars, it really is nice to stretch the legs and leave the marina for a little while.  The Azorean people are super friendly and hospitable sharing the delicious local products, cheese, bread and wines!  Those in the marina have been busy with repairs and also starting on their wall paintings to add to the thousands on every surface of the harbour.




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