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Late arrivals & Leg 2

After a disrupted start to the 20th edition of ARC Portugal, the fleet now continue to the Portuguese coast, first port of call Povoa de Varzim.

Following a hospitable welcome by the MRYCB last night providing crews with a fantastic meal, Onno and Harald off yacht Salsus arrived to a very loud and warm welcome on the pontoon in the early hours of this morning. Salsus will stay in Bayona for another day before re-joining the fleet in Porto. With news that Spirit III, skippered by Keith Sammons were continuing through the night to Povoa de Varzim, all the fleet were accounted for before the start of leg two this morning.

After a week of high winds, this morning was the contrary. With wind at a minimum, the 1030 start saw the motoring rule relaxed as the majority of the fleet motored across the line. Remedy of Mylor and Infinity persevered with their sails before shortly joining the remainder of the fleet with help from their motors.

Now underway, skippers and crews have a 55nm passage ahead of them crossing borders and time zones to Povoa de Varzim, Portugal. This evening on arrival, the Clube Naval Povoense will host the a welcome dinner and partake in a small prize giving before heading to the rallies next destination of Porto, a 12nm sail to tomorrow. 

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