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Between Hemispheres

The World ARC fleet are currently spread over both hemispheres of the globe whilst they cruise from the Kingdom of Tonga to Fiji. It’s a ‘free-cruising’ period of the rally so crews have the complete choice of when and where to cruise.

Some of the boats have chosen to stay a bit longer in The Kingdom of Tonga before moving on. The Vava’u group of islands, in the north of Tonga, has 70 islands to visit and many sheltered coves and bays which all explain its well-deserved reputation as a great South Pacific cruising grounds. The latest yacht to arrive will be Merlyn of Poole that was delayed in French Polynesia due to repairs. They have approximately 100Nm to sail to Port Refuge in the Vava’u Group and some catching up to do but with 8 or so World ARC boats still in the islands, they’ll get the ‘heads up’ advice of where especially to visit. Some crews just loved it.

According to the pilot book we are using, this is the most beautiful anchorage in Vava'u and we certainly would not disagree. The water depth varies and creates a kaleidoscope of blues and these contrasts with the pristine white sand beaches.” Firefly


However, the majority of the World ARC boats are already in Fiji or on their way there. Some have cleared in at Savusavu on Vanua Levu and will make their way westwards to the largest island of Viti Levu, either slowly along the north coast or by visiting Suva. Other yachts sailed straight to Viti Levu and checked in at Suva or Vuda Point Marina near Lautoka.  Fiji has lots to see and the people are so friendly. You’ll never pass a Fijian without a friendly greeting of “Bula!”

The yachts will continue their free cruising for the rest of June. At the end of the month all the yachts are expected to be in Fiji for a Rally Rendez-vous at Musket Cove Resort.

Check the World ARC fleet viewer here.

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