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ARC New Zealand

Back in July the World ARC bid a fond farewell to a small group of yachts with big plans to spend a full year in the South Pacific. While the World ARC fleet continued ever westwards this adventurous group have made the South Pacific dream their own as they have meandered for long months through the tropical waters of Fiji, Vanuatu and New Caledonia.

With the cyclone season fast approaching it is now time for these yachts to head south of the tropics to the safety of higher latitudes. Coming together in Noumea this fleet of 9 yachts will take part in the inaugural ARC New Zealand. A new event to take participants south to New Zealand for the cyclone season returning to the South Pacific the following year. Eventually these yachts will join with the 2015 World ARC fleet in Fiji to continue on with their circumnavigations.

Due to depart on the 4th the ARC NZ fleet are currently berthed in Port Moselle Marina in the heart of Noumea, New Caledonia. Noumea is likened to the French Rivera with a South Pacific twist and while the beaches and food are excellent it's the weather forecasts the fleet are discussing most on the docks. Heading almost due south this leg has the potential to be one of the most challenging of the World ARC. Fears of a westerly gale on approach to New Zealand though have given way to the more mundane reality of a forecast containing moderate headwinds and light, variable conditions.

The 900NM route will see the fleet exit the fringing reef of New Caledonia at Boulari Pass next to the famous Amédée Lighthouse before heading almost due south towards Norfolk Island and then altering course to the west as the wind allows toward North Cape, New Zealand before entering the Bay of Islands and berthing at Opua Marina.

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