As the sun set over the Port of Refuge in Vava’u Tonga, World ARC 2018-19 crews gathered together on the deck at the Mango Cafe for drinks and the Leg 5 Prizegiving dinner.
Kava and rum punch drinks were served, a delicious buffet was prepared and local officials from the Tourism board, Governor’s office, Customs and Immigration were in attendance. Faces beamed with pride of having completed one more large piece of the vast Pacific Ocean in the journey around the world.
For the 1500 nautical mile trip from Bora Bora to the Kingdom of Tonga (via the beautiful and remote islands of Suwarrow and Niue), the World ARC fleet was divided into two groups with staggered departure dates.
Prizes were awarded in each division. Congratulations to our FIRST place prizewinners:
Roger and Elisabeth on
BijouDieter, Ursula, Werner and Rebecca on
Christine Guy, Emitt and Paul on
FootlooseDan and Agnes on
Smoke & RosesFun prizes included:
Estimated arrival award - Peter and Anissa on Callisto
Fun quiz question - Jacob, Daisy and Matt on Shepherd Moon
Birthday that never happened for Sophia on
Pinta (crossing the International date line on her special day)
Best World ARC dance moves - Charlie on Jojo’s Circus
Special recognition was also given to the following crews who demonstrated true seamanship and rallied together to assist vessels in need: Amara, Callisto, Cayuse, Christine, Emily Morgan, IceBear, Jojo’s Circus, Madrigal, O’Deline, PretAixte Solitude and Tintomara.
Following dinner and the official prize presentation, the dance floor was alive well into the night as participants celebrated another successful sailing voyage and soaked up the hospitality of the friendly Tongan people. Thank you again to the staff of the Mango Cafe who were fantastic hosts during our entire stay in Vava’u and certainly know how to throw a lovely party.
Wednesday activities included the sharing of free cruising ideas, passage planning, weather discussions and the World ARC skipper’s briefing. Thursday and Friday will mark official clearances out of the Kingdom of Tonga as the fleet will head west toward the Lau group islands of Fiji.