On Friday 22nd June the participants enjoyed a wonderful trip in the municipality of Oeiras, heading first to the famous old gunpowder factory of Bacarena, where participants took the chance to see how they previously used the river to produce gunpowder.
Next stop was Poets Park, which arose from the dream of creating a great urban park in Oeiras, associating poetry and sculptural art.
To end up the morning tour we finished in the Palace of the Marquise do Pombal where participants were able to try a local wine made in wine lodge of the palace, a true heritage of the municipality.
Participants also got creative on Friday as each yacht was invited to paint a mural on the wall of the marina, a custom here in Oeiras Marina. The best mural painting was for yacht Beowulf; the contest turned quite popular between the fleet - check out their creations on the rally gallery!
The start took place a 1005 yesterday (Sunday). The ARC Portugal 2018 fleet left Oeiras after having had the chance to explore the town and also visit the cities of Lisbon, Cascais and Sintra. The first boats to cross the start line were Moondance followed by Carioca and thirdly Manihi. The fleet made their way down the coast with a 10-15 knot NW breeze to Sines, 50 NM further south.
Today (Monday) the prize giving and welcome reception took place at the Castelo de Sines. In Class A A’assifa placed first followed by Gertha 5 and then Southerner. In Class B Miss Julia placed first after being the only boat who decided not to motor at all regardless of the sudden drop of wind in the evening. Second place went to Beowulf and third to A Capella. The Smiley Miley fun prize was given to Zaurak and the closest ETA guess was for Moondance.