The latest round-up of news from World Cruising Club is available in our Summer 2019 eNews just published.
Featured in this edition is the 2019 Bluewater Weekend, held over 22/23 June in Lymington UK in June. It promises to be a melting pot of inspirational stories and practical top-tips to get you cruising the world's oceans and living the dream. If you're in the planning stages of your adventure, this is a great first step to compare boats, routes, training and equipment before you set sail.
You can also find plenty of inspiration by reading the June edition of Yachting World . Featuring the insightful results of the ARC survey, a profile of World Cruising's Andrew Bishop, and cruising couples from the recently concluded edition of World ARC share their advice for happy and harmonious sailing with your partner.
Keeping up with the theme of world cruising, entries are now open for next round-the-world rally - World ARC 2021, whilst the current fleet have just waved farewell to French Polynesia; the photo below shows them leaving the idyllic island of Bora Bora earlier this week.
If you would like to learn more about
SSB (HF) radio and how it is used on World ARC and other rallies, there is helpful guide to SSB and boat communications. Plus some great offers on equipment and links to advice and other resources.