Today, several ARC crews took the opportunity to take a little time out from the marina and their boat preparations to help plant 91 trees as part of the ARC Forest Environmental Project. Participants from several yachts, including: Blown Away, Fenice, Habibi, Marthelsa and Eden Blue were amongst those who enjoyed the excursion up into the mountains to Finca de Osorio in Teror. Several others, including Sufficant made donations to the worthy cause.
Ten years ago World Cruising Club teamed up with Foresta , a local non-profit charity which manages the ARC Forest throughout the year. They ensure that the newly planted trees grow to become a truly sustainable forest. The ARC Forest is a carbon offset project, planting trees where they are most needed, to offset the carbon emissions created during the ARC crossing. Rally volunteers have already planted 3,000 trees since it began and following the first 10,000m square area first assigned for the reforestation project, ARC+ and ARC participants have annually planting a second area to help improve bio-diversity, prevent soil erosion and mitigate flooding.

After a short respite from their busy schedules ahead of preparing for the ARC crossing, everyone was full of enthusiasm for the project after a great day. The journey to get there was a tour in itself and the views from the forest site are truly spectacular. “It was a really great day and it was so beautiful up there. We will look forward to doing this again if we ever come back to the island,” said Sarah Paulsen from Marthelsa who joined in the fun with her two children.

Earlier today, a press conference and photocall for local media was held on the ARC platform in the marina and attended by representatives who support the event every year, including Carlos Álamo, consejero de Turismo del Cabildo de Gran Canaria; José Eduardo Ramírez, concejal de Ciudad de Mar del Ayuntamiento de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria; Francisco Trujillo, director de la Autoridad Portuaria de Las Palmas and Suzana Buraca from World Cruising Club.

ARC+ update: With much excitement, the first boat to arrive into Mindelo was welcomed just before midnight local time on Thursday 12th November, after reaching the finish of the first leg of ARC+ in Sao Vicente. ARC yellowshirts were ready and waiting to congratulate Donato Paradiso’s 16.5m G-Force 1500C Immagina into Marina Mindelo after completing the 850nm leg from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria to Sao Vicente. The unusually fast passage of 4 days 10 hours saw the Jamaican-flagged multihull, sailed by Donato and three Italian friends, lead the way for the 24-boat fleet which departed Las Palmas de Gran Canaria on Sunday 8th November.