More boats and crews have arrived today and the pontoons are filling up. Walking round the docks, people are busy doing jobs on their boats and also enjoying a little time to relax on board in the sunshine.
“It was on our bucket list to cross an ocean and now we are here with the ARC, we are beyond excited,” exclaimed Manuela Lücking. She and Christian, her husband of two years, are both experienced pilots but came to love sailing after they holidayed in the British Virgin Islands and decided to try sailing instead. The couple decided that life is so short and after getting married wearing sailing clothes in a lighthouse on a small island in the North Sea, they worked hard for ten years before giving up their apartment and car, quitting their jobs as a secretary and teacher, and purchasing SVALA, an Enksail Noordkaper 40.
“Everything is new to us in this experience; it’s the first time we have done anything like an ocean crossing since we’ve had the boat for six years. We really like the ARC organisation; it is very good and we are positively surprised. For us being new to this, it is important that there are people around to advise and support. We have no idea what our plans will be once we have crossed and will just have to see how we feel after we’ve done it!” says Christian with a big smile.
They will definitely be raising their Swiss flag and making some noise on board SVALA tomorrow at midday to mark the final week and celebrate the ARC before the international fleet heads off on their adventure.