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World ARC's last few days in Mauritius

During Saturday the World ARC 2022-23 participants went on the full day tour. First stop in the morning was at the Mauritius National Botanical Gardens followed by a walk around the Sugar Museum or L’Aventure du Sucre, both very interesting and fascinating.

After a delicious lunch at L’Aventure du Sucre the participants went to visit the Rum factory with tasting session included, that was very much appreciated, ca va sans dire!

The Sunday night farewell function, hosted by World Cruising Club, was a wonderful evening, with an incredible buffet and a variety of drinks, and the local dancers and sega musician entertained the participants with a fabulous show for almost an hour.

It was a great evening of socialising and laughing, KoTangaroa also was the first boat to receive the WARC blue jacket, that will be passed from boat to boat until the end of the Rally  

The start from Mauritius to Reunion took place in an 18 knot wind and clear sky. The fleet zoomed into the distance with Chanto, KoTangaroa and Island Wanderer followed from the rest of the fleet

With only around 130 nautical miles to sail, it will be a very short and fast crossing with the fleet expected to arrive at Le Port in Reunion in less than 16 hours



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